The White Shadow Dojo is a Martial Arts school run by Gwynne and David in western New York. This blog features information on our book "The Rhythm of One", our class offerings, a calendar of events, an edged weapons forum, articles on knife design, and a community space for the research and dissemination of Martial Arts. "Sometimes irreverant, often opinionated, always brutally honest."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Molon Labe

This must be how it felt in the weeks and days leading up to Concord and Lexington. Hillary and Obama are poised to sign the UN Small Arms Treaty which will negate our 2nd Ammendment rights and subvert the sovereignty of the US to the UN. Don't fool yourself, ultimately this will lead to gun registration and confiscation along the lines of Europe, Australia, and England. I have two words for them "Molon Labe,"(come take them). This Fall do what's right vote your conscience, not party or color. 


Jeff Snyder said...

If this treaty is passed, all that will happen is that we will finally move from the paper world to the world of the REAL. We will find out what our countrymen and countrywomen are made of.

And the first line of defense is the ability to withstand psy-op propaganda, because the first thing they will do is disarm resistance with BS propaganda. I seriously doubt that there will be a full frontal assault like a door-to-door collection effort.

The first line of defense is not the firearms and ammo that you have, but some knowledge of history and an ability to think for ourselves, so that we are not psychologically disarmed. The truth is, they don't need to take any guns away if we're too dumbed down, drugged up, complacent and distracted with sports and free porn on the internet to want to do anything anyway. Jeff Cooper said, "It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano."

The mental framework is everything.

Soldier on!

knife-fighter said...

Psy-ops is wonderful stuff and works best in a country that is already oppressed, depressed, and disarmed. I thnk what mr Cooper meant was if you own a piano then you ought to learn to play it. : )

knife-fighter said...

speaking of psy-ops warfare, we played that game to the hilt in vietnam and we see how that turned out.
