The White Shadow Dojo is a Martial Arts school run by Gwynne and David in western New York. This blog features information on our book "The Rhythm of One", our class offerings, a calendar of events, an edged weapons forum, articles on knife design, and a community space for the research and dissemination of Martial Arts. "Sometimes irreverant, often opinionated, always brutally honest."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cathedral Builders

Nearly a thousand years ago, during the era of cathedral building, architects knew how to control acoustics by adding small ante-chambers or by shaping the spired ceilings of a Cathedral in a particular way. It took researchers hundreds of years to rediscover this. While I was sitting in a hotel room in a 3rd world country I watched a fascinating program on ancient pyramids around the world. Archeologists are still unraveling their mysteries. Why is it then, that each successive generation thinks they are smarter than the one before, and that the cathedral builders or the pyramid builders must have been absolute bumpkins? Have you looked at the Neanderthals roaming the malls lately? When was the last time you met someone you considered a Renaissance person? Do you even know what I mean by that? I am not trying to insult you my readers, only to mildly irritate you, to make you take a look what is going on around you. Do you see any Gallileos or DaVinci at your health club, any Shakespeares sipping latte’ at your corner Starbucks™, or Aristotles in the cubicle next to you at work? Are we all succumbing to a mind- numbing proletarian lifestyle without even realizing it or resisting it?

We consider ourselves an enlightened society, but we are so far from that now, and speeding blindly away in the opposite direction. Have we have lived too well for too long? Have we forgotten what it was like when we were morally taut and bright eyed with an insatiable appetite for Truth, Liberty and Freedom? Socialism is the new narcotic offered by the Obamanites to the weary and the hopeless but its fruits are poisonous. When I was in my “salad years” (to quote Shakespeare) my elders used to say that America was following down the same path as the Roman Empire. Being young and foolish and full of certitude, I scoffed at that idea. Folks, may I welcome you to the end of the Second (or is it the third) Roman Empire?

Where we go from this point forward will permanently alter the path of history and the face of humanity. Do I overstate the importance of the American influence? I do not think so. If Lady Liberty’s torch goes out who will come along to relight it, England, Germany, France, Spain, Greece? Who will remember what noble people have lived and passed here on this hallowed soil? US history books are quickly being rewritten by apologists to present us as the most corrupt and vile empire ever to suppress the poor peoples of the world. Who will remember the thronging multitudes we have saved from famine and disease, earthquake, floods, typhoons, and the butchers of mankind? Who will remember that we were the only nation ever to say:

"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Emma Lazarus 1880

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