The White Shadow Dojo is a Martial Arts school run by Gwynne and David in western New York. This blog features information on our book "The Rhythm of One", our class offerings, a calendar of events, an edged weapons forum, articles on knife design, and a community space for the research and dissemination of Martial Arts. "Sometimes irreverant, often opinionated, always brutally honest."

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Our new acquisition, a Polish WW-II Agents dagger is now posted on our FS website. Go check out the photos and description of this very nice little Fairbairn Sykes style dagger. It is constructed with all the expertise of a jeweler. If you happen to know the significance of the "R" stamped on the cross guard please contact us.


Jeff Snyder said...

That's a really cool knife, I really like the size. The handle looks more robust and grippable than some of the slimmer ones you often see on F-S knives.

In other news, I see that CRKT is now offering a third and smaller knife by James Williams. First there was the Hisshou, which is really more like a small sword, with a 13" blade, then came the Shinbu, with a 9" blade, and now they offer the Sakimori, with a much more carry friendly 5-3/4" blade. If you ever feel inclined to check this one out, I will read with enthusiasm!

Hope you are well. The new NY gun laws really bite the big one, as we used to say in high school. I just hope Obama doesn't try to enact gun laws by executive order now that the Senate handed him a big defeat and he has egg on his face.

Jeff Snyder said...

My friends and I have also been joking about which guns will now satisfy the NY gun laws. We all agreed that this one fit the new requirements to a "T":

Apparently, NY gun policy now encourages people to choose the old 45-70 for personal defense and other lawful uses. Well, you certainly will be ready for those pesky buffaloes running around and causing so much havoc.

knife-fighter said...

I guess maybe you have seen already that Obama has put out an executive order to bypass congress on background checks The guy is a criminal in a president suit.

knife-fighter said...

hey the marlin bigbore is a pretty neat gun. i reload for 45-70 and have shot that round for years in a shiloh sharps.

Jeff Snyder said...

Yeah, it's a pretty awesome gun! Commercial ammo is about $2 a round though, yikes!
