The White Shadow Dojo is a Martial Arts school run by Gwynne and David in western New York. This blog features information on our book "The Rhythm of One", our class offerings, a calendar of events, an edged weapons forum, articles on knife design, and a community space for the research and dissemination of Martial Arts. "Sometimes irreverant, often opinionated, always brutally honest."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pray for Peace

I want to thank all of my readers but in particular one who said I interject some sanity into his life. I am a simple man, sometimes exceedingly simple. But there are some things that seem desperately obvious even to a simple man like me. I am not an intolerant man, nor generally a racist. But we are all being driven by forces in the media and in the creeping globalization of governments to start taking stands, making choices that are aimed at dividing us into religious, racial, and ethnic categories. We are purposely being set one against another. For what purpose?

This morning I awoke early unable to sleep. Things rumbling through my head. Maybe it’s the book I am reading (War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning) and the unsettling tales of the author’s experiences as a war correspondent. Maybe it was the In-My-Face headlines on the internet that Obama supports the Mosque at ground Zero. Why doesn’t he champion an inter-faith house of worship, or better yet why doesn’t he keep his damned nose out of it. This is a very personal nightmare that New Yorkers still deal with. Why is it that the Liberal hue and cry of separation of church and state does not apply to the separation of mosque and state? If the Imam is a man of God and desires to make Americans see how compassionate Islam is, then why doesn’t he work to help fund an inter-faith house of worship? What could be more compelling than Muslims and Jews, Baptists, Catholics, Buddhists, and Mormons all worshipping side by side for peace? What could be a bigger insult to New Yorkers than a mosque at Ground Zero? Where is obama’s support for the tower to replace those destroyed by muslim radicals? The State dept has set aside money to send the Imam on a worldwide publicity tour, for what purpose? But there is no money to rebuild on the site of the destruction wrought by them? I struggle to focus on who are the good guys and the bad guys and to find purpose behind all of this.


ShaylaJae said...

I agree that it's ridiculous that there has still been no memorial built at Ground Zero, and that is an issue that should be promptly addressed by Washington. However, I do think that the founding fathers built this country on religious freedom and that if one wants to build any religious structure in accordance with the law on private property, then one has the right to do so. I am no liberal, far from it actually. I just don't think the government has the right to neither prevent this nor support it. Government intervention always makes things worse, and if they prevent this mosque from being built, it could form a very dangerous precedent.

knife-fighter said...

A reasonable comment and I have no argument with your position. Thank you for the time you took to comment.
