The White Shadow Dojo is a Martial Arts school run by Gwynne and David in western New York. This blog features information on our book "The Rhythm of One", our class offerings, a calendar of events, an edged weapons forum, articles on knife design, and a community space for the research and dissemination of Martial Arts. "Sometimes irreverant, often opinionated, always brutally honest."

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Elitists vs Us

"Former President George H.W. Bush appears to be joining a growing list of Republicans who say they will either abstain from voting for Donald Trump or cast their ballot for Hillary Clinton."
If there was ever any question in your mind about whether we have a government run by an elitist few this headline should resolve all your questions. Trump is an imperfect candidate and I think he would admit that. BUT, when you have supposedly diametrically opposed politicians supporting one of the opposite party you have collusion against the American people and the two party system.

They are not afraid that Trump might get us into WW-III. Who the hell got us into all of the other wars besides the members of the current ruling class? They are afraid an outsider might win. He might actually serve rather than rule. Trump is dangerous they say. Who is threatened, our enemies? I hope so! Are the Washington insiders also threatened? I hope so!

In this case I am not sure that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." I think the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy. It has all been a charade. There is no two party system folks. There is Them and Us. Vote your conscience not your party, use your head and not your emotions. We are being played by the very same people who have enslaved all Americans and poisoned the well of the Republic. Do Not drink the Washington Cool Aid. 

The Russians do not have to hack the election the DNC and GOP will make sure the "right" person wins. You think your vote matters, you think the elections are fair? All George Soros has to do is slip a few million in cold cash to a few Electoral College people and the election will go as planned. Sure I'm going to vote anyway because as I tell my friends and family. I vote because it irritates THEM.

4 comments: said...

Folding Knife Reviews

dawiec1 said...

Back when MR. Trump entered the primaries, I was talking about the race with my father,(he is the guy that didn't have a clue about much, when I was 16). Then turned out to be the "wisest guy in the world", when I turned 22. Sorry, I digress, but he deserves to be recognized. Back to politics...Dad and I were going over the chances of each of the candidates, that we felt, had to win! The other option was honestly unthinkable!! When Mr. Trump came into the conversation, my Dad remarked that Trump had no chance against the "machines" behind the standard fare of career politicians and other established characters. I said that I believed that it was insane for him to win, but if he did... I said that I didn't think that he got to where he was today by being stupid. I said the ("if I were king"), Mr. Trump doesn't have to be a super genius, but he is informed, and astute enough, to hire people who were qualified in their respective fields to advise him. I also mentioned that I doubted that he would suffer "yes 'men'". Dad thinks I'm a soothsayer now. I couldn't be more proud, of both of us.

knife-fighter said...

We are seeing the final stages of the longest running coup e' tate in the history of the USA. The globalists, under the banner of the democrats (more correctly democratic socialists or progressives) are working very hard to undermine the man and administration who promised to make America Great and who ran on the rule of law and order! How can any party claim legitimacy when its goal is to sink America to a third world status to gain some perverted ideal of social equity or social justice. Look at any place in the world where socialism is flourishing and humanity is civilization and the population are declining. Eight years of socialism under Obama has brought us to the edge of collapse and created nothing but schisms and division between all of the peoples of this great social experiment, the USA. Trump may not be the absolute best choice but he won the election and deserves the same respect and courtesies as accorded Obama and all previous presidents.

knife-fighter said...

I meant to say humanity and civilization are declining........
