The White Shadow Dojo is a Martial Arts school run by Gwynne and David in western New York. This blog features information on our book "The Rhythm of One", our class offerings, a calendar of events, an edged weapons forum, articles on knife design, and a community space for the research and dissemination of Martial Arts. "Sometimes irreverant, often opinionated, always brutally honest."

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Cradle of America

If I were to choose a place where America first came into being it would have to be Williamsburg VA. I realize that Jamestown was settled first but Williamsburg is where America took wings and flourished. We just returned from a great three day vacation there and it was hard to pull ourselves away.

We visited many historic structures and were educated and entertained by a broad selection of people working as interpreters and docents. They are the ones who made it all come alive. No question went unanswered and the depth of knowledge displayed by many was simply stunning. These were not canned answers but well thought out replies. They knew their character and their subject. A couple of times watching the soldiers drill, or listening to the impassioned rhetoric calling for freedom and liberty I felt my eyes well up with.....well tears. Damn it tears of pride in what we represent and where we have come from.

The question today is where are we headed. Are we going to go down the dismal, crooked path of Socialism and ditch everything this nation was founded on? Are we going to accept mediocrity (as our president suggests) or work to recover our exceptionalism? We have a man in office dedicated to the downgrading and degrading of the Greatest idea Man ever put forth, the idea that all men are Created Equal and they are FREE. Many times it was emphasized that in the colonial era there was no separation of Church and State. In fact they dwelt hand-in-hand. Co-partners in the advancement of human-kind. We are standing at a cross-roads and pray GOD, like our forefather, we choose the right direction. God Bless America.

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