The White Shadow Dojo is a Martial Arts school run by Gwynne and David in western New York. This blog features information on our book "The Rhythm of One", our class offerings, a calendar of events, an edged weapons forum, articles on knife design, and a community space for the research and dissemination of Martial Arts. "Sometimes irreverant, often opinionated, always brutally honest."

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Michael Rader Knife

Finally my life has slowed down a little. I promised that I would post a photo of another knife by Michael Rader. Here is one that I bought from the “MastersmithS” shop operated by Bill Malloy in NYC . Bill is a gentleman of the first order and great to deal with. Check out his website. This is an exquisite fighting knife with a very unique curve to the blade and a forged in bolster. There is a European feel to the knife. A strong Scandinavian sense of aesthetics. The 8.75 inch hawkbill blade is razor sharp. A 4.5 inch composite handle made up of different figured woods which is typical of Rader’s later work. Quick handling and light in the hands, this knife is a fast fighter. The mahogany colored pouch-style sheath is nicely carved with a floral pattern. Unfortunately Mr. Rader is no longer making knives. So if you find one you might want to make an investment. 

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