Beauty and Aesthetics:
When I talk about knives I tend to use the word aesthetics a lot, maybe too much. Usually I am talking about aesthetics in the positive sense because I refuse to buy a knife that is without. As comedian Fred Sanford once said, " Beauty may only be skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone." Unlike human beings, which may be unbeautiful outside and beautiful inside, ugly knives tend to be ugly inside and out.
"All beauties contain, like all possible phenomena, something eternal and something transitory,—something absolute and something particular. Absolute and eternal beauty does not exist, or rather it is only an abstraction skimmed from the common surface of different sorts of beauty. The particular element of each beauty comes from the emotions, and as we each have our own particular emotions, so we have our beauty." - Charles Baudelaire
Since discovering Bill Malloy’s "MastersmithS" website I visit it quite regularly. Of all the high end custom knives one in particular caught my attention. Singularly plain, a slender fighting knife by Michael Rader appealed to my ideal of beauty. This knife seemed to be teasing me, when month after month it remained unsold. Finally when I could not stand it anymore I bought it from Bill. When I asked him why he felt it didn’t sell he said that it lacked "all the bells and whistles" of a newer and fancier Rader knife. That got me to thinking and I went online and looked at some of Michael Rader’s new work. As expected, it is very good, but I did not see anything that I found more appealing than this elegant fighter.

403 East 58th Street
NY, NY 10022
ph. 1 877 8knives