Working on my new web site has been a pleasant and probably a healthy distraction from the news and politics in general. Besides my regular job, which has become a bore, and waiting for Spring to come, life has gone on with a certain lingering trepdation for "what next." Its Sunday morning and I have added some more material and photos to the website while watching the news. The temperature outside is 7 deg F. and not looking like it will rise much above that. Still as Obama says things could be worse. Don't you always hate it when politicians say that? His latest words gave me a chill: "the government that you have is not the government you want." He knows what you want, and to acomplish this he is asking for the power to downsize govt. This flies in the face of everything he has done so far. We know from past, and recent, experience if he is not given what he wants, he will just seize it. What does he have in mind to downsize? The TSA, DHS, the number of czars in his cabinet, welfare, obamacare, NO. Maybe he will just dissolve Congress and the judiciary in order to give us what we want.
So I am going to keep this one short and go back to working on my website and bury my head back in the sand. I have added a lot of stuff. How about if you watch the news and let me know how it turns out.
I forgot to explain the knives in the photo. The top one is by an unknown maker, could be Australian, not sure. The middle one is a French "Avenger", could be WW-I or WW-II because they used the same design for that long. The bottom one is handmade from the blade of a WW-II "Nazi Youth's Dagger" or so I was told. They are interesting knives anyway.