I want to add a note here. As opposed as I am to the use of violence in a peaceful protest, there is no way to absolve the police from using violence to remove peaceful, lawful protestors. The video of the stupid cop spraying those kids with pepper spray shows just how out of control things are getting on both sides. His actions are symptomatic of a growing police state. How long before we have another Kent State on our hands? That would play right into the president's plan. Well a few weeks ago I pulled down my controversial blog about the Occupy movment. One of my followers said he thought it waas an unfair assessment of the movement. He believed that they were only voicing legitimate concerns, and I agreed with that
in principal. He also commented that he did not know where it would end. Well I did, When socialists, anarchists and union thugs are allowed to co-opt (a popular term today) a movement, the only end can be VIOLENCE. Violence is their modus operandi. Innocent merchants, tired workers, private property owners, and tourists are having all of their "rights" interrupted/co-opted by a small unlawful minority. This is not the way to represent a democratic movement by denying the rights of everyone else. They say they don't want any confrontation with the police. Well that is no surprise. But they want to be allowed to break the laws under the guise of exercising their first ammendment rights.
Wait a minute! So its rights for some but not for others? "Four legs good, two legs bad." Do you know where that saying came from? Google it! There is a reason why our progressive, liberal education system doesn't teach history. These types of movements have always ended badly and led to chaos and the eventual subjugation of the commmon man to tyranny. Don't understand? Check out life under Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Lenin, Kruschev, Castro, Chavez, Idi Amin, Sadaam Hussein, go ahead, pick the dictator of your choice, they were all "revolutionaries," and "visionaries" for freedom before they became bloody murderers, cruel despots. And these are your heroes? These are the policies and methods you believe will lead to equality! This is where you want to take America! God help us!