Smith's Gun Shop
I keep writing blogs that I do not post. They tend to be more about moral issues than knives and swords. I have bought several knives since my last review of cutlery but my mind keeps gravitating back to other topics. One reader suggested I was too blunt and he was probably right. So I will try to remain on track with this review.
Yesterday I went wandering in a Mall in Corpus Christi, Texas. I happened to be here for work and in my spare time I have tried to hit all of the gun and knife shops. A long drive to a shop called "Mac’s Knife and Gun" wa

By accident I found Smith’s Gunshop located right in the Padre/Staples Mall. Phil Smith is a very pleasant man originally from Pennsylvania and he has a shop full of rifles. Weatherbys, Remingtons, and Rugers line his gun cases along with numerous handguns. I was amazed to see several shelves stocked with Weatherby ammo. At $50 a box you don’t normally find a shop that keeps a lot of it on hand. When I mentioned how surprised I was to find a gun shop in a mall he said he was told they might be the only one left in the nation. The walls are lined with beautiful mounts of deer, antelope, gazelle, and a full mount of a cougar. Phil said he had hunted all over the world. In one case Phil has a large selection of antique Winchester lever guns. There were also several display cases with knives of various makes. We talked for a while and I bought a Glock 17 magazine. I also decided to buy a Benchmade 710 McHenry & Williams folder he had. This is one of my favorite Benchmade knives and my old one is getting pretty weary. I looked at the price tag of $165 and immediately wondered what it would sell for on the internet. Just as quickly, his comment, "the only one left in the nation" ran through my mind. I cannot imagine the cost of store rent and insurance in a mall. I might have bought this same knife for less on the WWW. Maybe my purchase will not make any difference in paying Phil’s rent because he seems to be doing a good business. But you know what, I walked out with the knife in my hand and I felt better about the purchase. I am not even going to look at what I might have saved. I’m happy with my knife and the fact that I met and spent time with Phil Smith in Corpus Christi, Texas. If you ever get down this way stop in and see him. Spend some time talking old guns, history, or Revolutionary War with him. If you’re looking for a top of the line hunting rifle or a quality knife spend some money with him too. I bet you walk out feeling better for it. Maybe the next time I have to come to Corpus Christi I won't complain as much.